Rep Fitness GHD Review And Info

Rep Fitness GHD
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Photo Credit: Garage Gym Products
Rep Fitness GHD
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The Rep Fitness Glute-Ham Developer (GHD) will work your posterior chain muscles while providing a surprisingly solid experience that includes easy adjustments, comfortable padding, and included band pegs and support handles. 


  • A very solid build.
  • Great powder coat.
  • Built-in band pegs. 
  • Solid support handles
  • Comfortable padding.
  • Smooth guide rod for footplate adjustment width.
  • Tightening screws make movements solid.
  • Easily movable around the gym.



  • Nothing that has been immediately noticeable. 

The Rep Fitness GHD is a shockingly good buy for just $399 plus shipping. As someone who suffers from chronic hamstring issues, I spent months deciding if I wanted to purchase a GHD. I have limited room in my garage gym and this particular piece of equipment isn’t small. The Rep version of the GHD comes in at 42″ high (top of butt pads), 70″ long, 36″ wide, and a modest 150 pounds.

First off, the overall weight of the unit is perfect. I’m 5’10” and 200 pounds and the product doesn’t shift at all during use. I have the unit placed on some fairly slick rubber flooring and it doesn’t scoot around. As noted, I have limited space in my garage gym and the 150-pound weight, along with some decent attached wheels, makes it incredibly simple to move the product from one place to another. I grab the unit by the resistance band pegs to move it and it’s a simple but effective move.

Getting into the actual build of the Rep GHD, I have to say I’m impressed by just about every aspect of the product. The unit features a nice powder coated frame that is very sturdy upon completion of the build. As you can see in the first photo at the top of the page, there is a large and very solid footplate that makes it easy to get on and off during workouts. For my height, the placement of the footplate feels like it’s in the exact right spot.

Speaking of getting onto the Rep Fitness GHD, the actual butt pads are very comfortable. They feature what feels like a solid and thick vinyl cover and the padding is firm but still provides enough give to be comfortable. The pads are also grippy and very comparable to the crowd favorite GHD from Rogue Fitness.

Rep Fitness GHD Pads
Photo Credit: Garage Gym Products

When sitting on the pads the foot rollers are easy to access and feature the same type of quality padding found on the seat. The rollers feature a foam insert that slid on to the frame without any issues and they easily attach with the help of a large washer and bolt. During various GHD movements, the rollers remain firm and provide for a solid hold alongside the tilted footplate which is nicely placed.

When you first go to install the foot rollers it may appear that the holes are too small to fit onto the machine. In reality, the small holes allow for a firm grip once you push the foot rollers into place.

Rep Fitness GHD Foot Rollers
Photo Credit: Garage Gym Products

The footplate, in my opinion, could be a little wider but so far I haven’t had any issues with my feet slipping away from the plate. Basically, the plate is the same width as the foot rollers, leaving pretty much no room for error.

Rep GHD Foot Plate
Photo Credit: Garage Gym Products

One of my favorite parts of the Rep Fitness GHD is definitely the resistance band pegs located below the butt pad. Adding resistance bands provides for explosive movements that challenge me to work my muscle groups in ways I normally wouldn’t on a GHD. The pegs are oversized with large end caps which ensures that my resistance bands stay in place throughout every single rep.

Rep GHD Restistance Band Handles
Photo Credit: Garage Gym Products

Along with the band pegs, the Rep Fitness GHD also features two handles that can help with recovering at the end of an exhausting workout. The handles are short but effective. I particularly like them when performing Sorenson Holds, hip extensions, and back extensions.

Rep Fitness GHD Handles
Photo Credit: Garage Gym Products

My Rep GHD doesn’t need to be adjusted very often but when I do change up the placement of the footplate and butt pad it’s a simple process. There are two pop pins and two screws that move and stabilize the unit.

The first pop pin is located near the guide rods for the bottom movement and the second pop pin is placed along with the steel frame that adjusts the height of the footplate.

Rep GHD Pop Pins and Screws
Photo Credit: Garage Gym Products

Keep in mind, the pop pins move the unit but it’s the two black screws that keep both the bottom slider and footplate in place. Make sure to tighten down the screws a decent amount or there will be some wobbling. When the screws are tightened, the unit is very solid.

The actual slider for adjusting the width of the footplate from the butt pad works really well, however, I recommend adding some Super Lube before use. I use the synthetic Super Lube product because it’s safer on paint and provides an excellent experience. Once I added the lube to the guide rode it slide one-handed without any issues.

Rep Fitness GHD Guide Rod
Photo Credit: Garage Gym Products

One quick note, when you start to install the guide rods, the eight screws that are shown above should be slightly loose, this allows the rods to slide into place. Rather than explaining the simple build process, I suggest watching the video below and not tightening anything until the very end.

Overall, I love the Rep Fitness GHD. At a cost of $399, I wasn’t sure what I was going to get for the price. I’ve used other GHD’s in that price range and they’ve always felt flimsy. Rep has done an amazing job of creating a very stable option that feels like it will withstand the test of time. Rep calls this piece of equipment “commercial-quality” and while I think it falls just short of that claim, it’s the closest you’ll buy for under $500.

You can learn more about the Rep GHD here.

Rep Fitness GHD

The Rep GHD is a solid Glute and Ham Developer that easily adjusts while providing a comfortable experience.
Buy Now For $399.00

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Written by James Kosur

James is a 20-year veteran of the digital media industry, an avid gym builder, and a dad to four kids, three dogs, and two cats. He's a DIYer who loves building stuff with his hands and a gamer who enjoys all facets of gaming.