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User Review
0 (0 votes) was founded in 2020 by James Kosur. It is an independently funded gym products news, reviews, and features website owned and operated by Garage Gym Lifestyle LLC. In 2024, Personal Trainer and National Strongman competitor Tyler Ramsey became a co-owner of the company. receives 100% of its funding through affiliate links and the occasional sponsored post. reserves the right to blacklist any potential partners who do not meet our strict editorial policies. We will never tolerate misleading ads or product descriptions and will ban any product manufacturers who fail to properly inform potential customers about all aspects of their gym products.

In the event of direct ad buys or sponsored posts, our team may negotiate direct display ads for ad sales and sponsorships. We provide very clear disclosure on any posts that have been sponsored. Disclosures clearly explain the direct relationship between our website and the sponsor.

Please see our ETHICS POLICY to understand how we present our content further.